Identify Your Doll
Identifying and dating your Terri Lee doll can be done easily by looking at the face painting, the type of wig and the raised writing on the back of the torso. These are the faces that are most seen on Terri Lee dolls. All the faces were hand painted by artists in the factory so many are different. They had to be approved by the owner, Violet Gradwohl before they could be shipped. There are other variations though so email me if you are not sure about your specific doll. I have pictured and described the girl dolls here. Jerri Lee dolls, the boy dolls, have the same faces but different wigs. Composition Jerri Lee dolls have shorter mannequin wigs and other Jerri Lee dolls have fur wigs. Click on each photo for a larger image.

This COMPOSITION doll was the first in the Terri Lee family. It was made in 1946-1947. She has side glancing eyes, feathered eyebrows, a mannequin wig and a hole in her left hand for a daisy. Marked Terri Lee Pat Pending. |

1947-1950 PAINTED PLASTIC Terri Lee is painted flesh color over a very heavy type of early plastic. She may have mannequin wig or synthetic finer fiber wig. Early ones may still have side glancing eyes but most have large front facing eyes and single stroke eyebrows. Full dark lips. Marked Terri Lee Pat Pending. |

1947-1949 PATTY JO doll is a heavy plastic doll painted medium brown. She has very expressive eyebrows and eyelashes and is painted to look like Jackie Ormes’ cartoon character of the same name. Mannequin wig pulled back in two ponytails. Marked Terri Lee Pat Pending. |

1950-1951 PAT PENDING Terri Lee is made of flesh colored plastic and not painted. She has huge eyes and bright red lips. Her hair is shiny synthetic rasheen. Marked Terri Lee Pat Pending. |

1952 DOTTY EYE Terri Lee. We believe she was made in early Apple Valley Days. She is flesh colored plastic and marked Terri Lee on the torso. She has shiny raysheen hair. She has very high cheek color and strangely painted eyes with one prominent dot in each eye. The paint used on the eyes is usually matte finish instead of shiny as on the other Terri Lee dolls. |

1952-1956 TERRI LEE made in Apple Valley, CA. She is made of light weight plastic which is flesh colored and not painted. Many eyelash styles but most have an artistic flare. Large front facing eyes. All Terri Lee dolls have brown eyes. Marked Terri Lee. Shiny synthetic rasheen wig. |

1957-1958 TERRI LEE made in Apple Valley, CA. She is made of light weight flesh colored plastic and not painted. Face does not have as glamorous a look. Eyebrows are straight across instead of arched and eyelashes are not as flared. Wig is soft synthetic fiber which tangles easily. Marked Terri Lee. |

1960-1962 MARFAN (I & S Industries) Terri Lee made in Los Angeles area. Very light weight plastic. Poorly painted face but high cheek color. Soft synthetic wig. Limited wardrobe available. Marked Terri Lee. |

1955-1958 and 1960-1962 TINY TERRI LEE. Smaller, 11 inch walker doll with sleep eyes. Soft fiber wig. Marked with a circle c on the back. |

1951-1958 and probably a few 1960-1962 LINDA BABY. A soft vinyl baby doll that resembles a newborn. Painted hair and painted eyes with dots. |

1955-1958 CONNIE LYNN is a large hard plastic baby doll. She has sleep eyes with long nylon eyelashes applied. She has a curly fur wig like Jerri Lee dolls. She was made in Apple Valley, CA. |

REPRODUCTION Terri Lee made by Knickerbocker starting in 2000. Later produced by Terri Lee and Associates. Made in China. |
If you have questions, please email me.
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